Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Store, Kekerengu - view from steps

"The Store" - Kekerengu, New Zealand. This is the view of the steps leading down to the beach area. The garden is on the left.
If you would like to view more photos of "The Store - Kekerengu, Kaikoura, New zealand" just click on the store label at the botom of this post...

And these are of the view at The Store garden walkway looking back up from where the previous picture was taken. The left view was standing and the right view - I crouched down to take the photo - so it only looks steeper...

Kaikoura NZ, blog


  1. awwwwww..wish i was there!

  2. thanks Mystic Rose for stopping by...
    Yeah, whenever the sun isn't shining or I feel like a pep-me-up I look at some of these Kaikoura photos and remember the lazy days of summer holidays in a beautifull part of New Zealand. Well, NZ is beautiful wherever you



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