Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Mount Fyffe, Kaikoura, NZ

Some more photos of Kaikoura to add to this site. This time I thought Mt.Fyffe would be a little change from the usual and have found some great web sites to give you more info if you want...

Mount Fyffe, Kaikoura
Mount Fyffe, Kaikoura



Kaikoura NZ, blog


  1. you live here? i love it!

  2. Hi Ayelén

    We don't live here - yet, but it is a place we like to visit often

  3. I love your photos, Peter. What a beautiful place. Would you consider joining the Virtual Sketch Date (www.virtualsketchdate.blogspot.com): each month someone contributes a reference photo that bloggers sign on to draw or paint; then we look at what everyone's done with the same subject. Last month was my first time, and it was great fun! One of you photos would be great to paint!!

  4. Hi Laura

    Thanks for your comment.
    I'd love to join the VSD. Might be a lil late for August, but Sept project would be a boost to getting use of my new paints...
    As for the photo, would love to send a pic. Feel free to paint any of my photo's :-), I'm sure your artistic talent would make them more lively. I'd be happy to post them on my blog too.

  5. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Have stayed there my ex mum in law came from there and her family still farms at the bottom of Mt Fyffe. have even seen and been there when covered wth snow great place we love it. Gillian

  6. Hi Gillian
    Thanks for the comment. It's always enjoyable to appreciate a place that one connects with. I have yet to return in winter time to take some seasonal photos, but certainly it's on the list of places to go...



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